our why

Our mission at PROCLAIM is to spread the Gospel throughout a culture in desperate need of spiritual and sustainable transformation.
We are driven to bring Good News to the poor, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and to give them a garment of praise instead of a faint spirit (Isaiah 61:1).
We believe in the perfect and sovereign grace God showed us by sending His Son as the ultimate payment for the debts of our sins.
We strive to leave an impact of hope everywhere we go, especially as we build, empower, and ignite the BIBLEin365 family on a quest to share the Gospel far and wide.
We are obedient to living a life worthy of the calling.
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
- Matthew 28:19-20
The PROCLAIM x BIBLEin365 movement is for the willing hearts that want to make a tangible difference. Every item of clothing we thoughtfully produce has a give-back component attached to it through our BIBLEin365 ministry. From the hands of those who assemble the garments to the consumer who purchases them, all are exposed to the verses found in Isaiah 61 that foretold the mission and Good News of Jesus Christ.
Whether you purchase from our year round Sixty-One Collection or from our PROCLAIM Limited Drop Collection, each item gives you - our cherished customers - the opportunity to make an impact by sharing the Gospel. One hundred percent of proceeds from your purchase(s) will go directly to our global BIBLEin365 ministry, enabling our team to offer free resources and a comprehensive program to read God's word together throughout the year.

At PROCLAIM, we believe that in order to truly put the customer first, we must empower the hardworking seamstress, the upright manufacturer, and the dedicated fabric-mill owner through investment. This is who we believe in --- the backbone of America.
Over 300,000 jobs are outsourced from the United States each year, with a whopping 68% of large U.S. consumer-product companies sending American jobs overseas. Not only are jobs compromised, but the quality of the products themselves also deteriorate -- all for the sake of mass production, all in the name of the lowest bottom line.
As the impact of these destructive supply-chains continues to impact our natural world, consumers are thoughtfully evaluating where their products are manufactured, produced, and packaged. This is why intention is woven into every part of our process from fabrication to transportation.
This is more than just a "t-shirt" or a "sweatshirt" -- it's a movement.
Your purchasing power is ultimately an investment into what you believe in beyond a simple article of clothing. The “Made in the USA” label is the new quality standard. It is not a compromise — it is an investment in our citizens, our freedoms, and our country’s future.
We should demand nothing less. We deserve nothing less.

Where conscious consumer meets sustainable streetwear.
The era of "fast fashion" in which we are so deeply immersed lacks longevity, transparency and authenticity.
Our world is in a challenging position and we are called to be stewards of our resources and of our communities. We believe garments should last years, not months.
We value our customers and because we want clean, organic clothing to be accessible for you AND your children, you may notice a site-wide price adjustment to reflect a more affordable option. This does not change the quality of our clothing, in fact, it’s enhanced.
From a single thread to a fully-finished design, our private-label quality is the standard of vertical manufacturing on which we pride ourselves. It's durable. It’s not rushed. It’s unhurried.
In a society fueled by newer, faster, better, there is no compromise in our collection. And through PROCLAIM, we can be the salt and light to all whom we encounter in style and Spirit.